Sunday, April 22


Yes folks you read right, Chris and I after 5 years have decided to make it official. We got engaged this weekend ... look at my gorgeous ring, am i not the luckiest girl in the world?? We have not set a date yet, but it will be end of this year or beginning of next. We are not going to have a big wedding - probably only immediate family, as we are both of the same mind that we would rather use the cash for something else - like an excellent honeymoon instead!! We just might elope on a cruise liner to the Caribbean and get married on board!!!

News number two - is that my future brother & sister in law (sounds very strange to be saying that) - Chris's brother and his wife, are going to have another baby, a little playmate to Marc (Miguel's cousin with the great head of red hair)

Here is a little freebie for you all to celebrate this stunning weekend!!

Download link here
THANK YOU so much to every one who has left a comment I cannot believe how many times you guys have down loaded my freebies it is the best 'happy pill' that I could ever take to see you guys enjoy these - so don't forget to show me what you do with these !! Take a look !! I am working on another 2 for you, chack back at the begining of May. I have exhausted my cap so im all out of bandwith for this month .... :o(

I want to give a shout out to our friend Branden who is working in Angola for the next two months - hey dude, how is the "kakest place in the world"? He has started a blog about his experiences working there ... i will give it to you all once he remembers to send me the link!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Whoohoo ! Congratulations Cleo ! What an exciting weekend you had ! And also, thanks for the freebie !
    PS. That cruise idea sounds just perfect !

  3. Congratulations to both you and Chris, I am so happy and the ring is stunning. Debs told me about your blog so went in and had a look, it is very nice.

    Anyway Congrats again.
    Love Cath

  4. Hello darling,
    I finally got my act into gear with a box of chocolate biscuits from Melissa's. I decided that after my routine torture session with Satan at the gym - that I at least deserved some calorie indulgeance - after all I inhale them most days - i may as well enjoy them properly.
    So you getting married - selfish bitch - bugger off on a big boat get sick and come back and grovel for apologies cos i aint gonna be a bridesmaid and then maybe, i'll fly up and give you a pressie. Congrats darling - its about time. Im very happy for you both... Lots of love

  5. Congrats on the engagement, the ring is indeed very beautiful! Thanks for the freebie!

  6. Congratulations on your engagement; your ring is truly lovely. Thanks for sharing this cool alpha.

  7. Very cool alpha. Thank you for sharing! Congratulations to you and Chris. My hubby's name is Chris, too. Marriage is wonderful!

  8. This is really cool - and blue is my favorite color.

  9. Thank You...;o) This should be great for sea LOs.

  10. What a wonderful blog you have going on here! Glad I found you through IkeaGoddess. :)

    Thanks so much for the alpha. And congrats to you and Chris!

  11. thanks so much for the freebie! its lovely! i just had to laugh at your comment to your friend in angola!! 'the kakest place in the world!' whahahahaaaaa!! thanks for a good laugh, and please post the link of his blog, will be cool to check it out! thanks again, much love,
    (durban, south africa)

  12. Thank you so much for the freebies...I have downloaded a few. Beautiful work and Thank You so much :)

  13. Lovely freebies, thank you! And congrats on the engagement, such a pretty ring too. :)

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