Tuesday, April 3


It has been confirmed that Friday night is Poker night again .. I am so looking forward to this. I L-O-V-E Poker and im quite okay at it, well I am so long as no actual money is bet. As soon as real cash is put down even if it is 1 Rand, I go from card shark to cowering guppie and I loose all instinct and risk taking abilities - oh typical woman, no killer instinct ....

The players are Chris & my self, possible my sister Gerladine, Branden, Danie and that great couple that I told you about ... the ones I met during sushi night - Malcom & Elmarie.

This is the invite that I made and then sent out to every one. Everyone is coming a little early so that we can BBQ and get to know everyone a little bit... then the fun begins !!!
Then on Tuesday night I have been invited to a Ladies Night at my friend Briony's place. I am so excited because I have not seen her in over a year. I have not even seen her twin boys yet & they are already 1!! That is shameful.
Will let you know whether I remain reigning poker champion or whether my lucky streak is over ...


  1. Hi Cleo
    It's always nice to meet another South African blogger - I stumbled across yours via Print and Pattern. I've also been chatting to Gary of Sprayglue, who is a Durban blogger too, so slowly but surely I'm getting to know more local blog types.

    I'm from Cape Town and use my blog to record my illustration and design work. I love it, and have made such interesting connections as a result.

    Heather (skinnylaminx.com)

  2. Can I join the game on Friday!!!!!


  3. Just getting round to checking in on my friends blogs....well poker Cleo what can I say...just hope you win it all sounds a fun evening.

    And you have a evening with your friend Briony to look forward to..again I hope you have a lovely time
