Monday, June 11


Well i don't even know where to begin ... oooh oooh i know I think I will begin where I whipped the boys at Poker on Friday night !! Yea Ha !! Malcolm has made me promise to let you all know that he was NOT there on Fri night to defend his title and according to him my win would not have been possible if he had been there ... humbug is what I say, GIRL POWER IS WHAT MADE ME WIN !!! Not the lack of Malcolm's 'expert' competition.
On Sat it was Brendan's birthday we went to JT and Michelle's house for a stir fry ...mmmm it was good!! Miguel stayed overnight with Abuela as he was not 100% better yet and I did not want him in the freezing cold air in Kloof. He picked up a bug - I assume from some-one at school, and was so ill on Friday.. Poor thing had his first school outing marred by coming home and being sick allover Abuelas couch and himself. Took him to the doctor because he kept complaining of a sore head and I know that it is unusual for young children to have headaches - Dr van Rooyen said that it WAS a virus and the headache was caused by the glands on the top of the back of his neck swelling (did you even know you had glands there?). Ran a very high fever all night 40/41Deg Celsius (40 degree Celsius = 104 degree Fahrenheit). By Sat mid morning he was 100% better - im so glad as it breaks my heart to see my Miguelito down and out.
Branden, Michelle and JT thanks for an amazing party - it has been ages since I have laughed and chatted like that - it was a medicine that the doctor ordered. Thanks. (See you on Tues at Go Karting - watch out baby I'm a mean machine!!!)

On Sunday we met up with Branden, Michelle and JT and their great kids - Jonh Jnr, Hannah and Rachel at Giba Gorge Bike Track. What an amazing place, it has over 20kms of off road bike trails for just about every one (though none sedate enough for me!!) as well as a huge BMX track that was infested with dozens upon dozens of kids of every age, shape and size. There is place to picnick, BBQ as well as a little coffee shop. We will be going there again.
Here are some photos that I took of the kids having the time of their lives, Thanks Michelle for allowing me to put photos of your kids on my blog. Will let you all know how the Go Karting goes tomorrow night ...


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Hi Cleo..At long last I'm catching up on visiting all my favourite blogs... I just spent a few minutes reading all your happening and as usual you seem to have been so busy.

    I think for me this time of year seems so hectic as I spend most of my time, weather permmitting, outdoors either taking photo's or potting around in my garden.

    Have you been busy creating of late or have you put that on hold for the time being. I've seen you popping into DSSA at odd times and perhaps after this weekend when Tash has finished uploading to the new server you'll pop in and see us all..

    I'll try and not leave it so long again before catching up on what's been happening in your life...I'm hoping to update my blog sometime this weekend!!

    Love & Hugs
