Wednesday, July 4

{Another Winters Day In South Africa!}

It was such a stunning day yesterday, that after I picked Miguel up from school we collected my Mama, my Da, Gen and Justin and headed off to the beach. If I may say so my self that was a fantastic idea. We went to the Beach Cafe on Durban Beach Front. This is a awesome little restaurant, the tables and chairs are all on the sand - so this means that you can sit and have something to eat or drink and the kids play right next to you!! I love this place - just might go there today again!!

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Miguel was in his element digging and bossing every one around on how to dig, where to dig!! He is going to grow up to be president one day - actually he is SOOO good at directing every one, he may grow up to be a dictator!!!

It was also his first day with NO NAPPIES !!!! YAY!!! I am definitely more excited about it that he is ...

He did very well the whole day and every one was very proud of him. Last night after dinner he tells me ..."Mama, I'm a VERY (Said in a deep voice, standing on tip toes) big boy now, coz i don't wear nappies, so I'm thinking about (with finger tapping on side of mouth) big boy things now - so the good idea for a big boy is 2 Little Einstein's before bed!!" That was so skillfully done that he got his 2 Little Einstein's at bed time, and as a treat he got to watch them in bed on daddys notebook!! He was very pleased with this sucessfull wheeling and dealing ... waiting for tonights negotiations !!!


  1. Oh that is a great collection of photos from your day at the beach ! And I always have such a good chuckle when I read about Miguel's antics ..... he is quite a little negotiator , isn't he? I just love it ! Oh yes, how neat is it that he went a whole day without nappies !? Awesome !

  2. Hi Cleo...Yes I'm still around but life is keeping me very busy these days..

    Love the story of your family visit to the beach and it most certainly looks a super place to visit.

    Well done to Miguel on getting through his first day without nappies...he certainly is growing up quickly!

  3. Cleo I love your blog....the pictures and writing are so wonderful. I added a link to both of your blogs to my blog so my friends could enjoy also.

    Looking forward to more...


  4. hey i just downloaded some of yer freebies, they're great ! i found yer link in my favorites, dunno how it got there, lol, but i'm glad it was !

    i also saw you got a birthday comin' up, enjoy !

  5. oooh what lovely photo's, looks like you had a fab day... and Miguel sounds like a right little character :)

  6. Hey Cleo, Love what you've done here!
    Your little Angel is just gorgeous. I take the boys to the Beach Cafe whenever the weather behaves and I can find 5 minutes to relax. Stunning place!
