Tuesday, July 31

{lots of new things!!!}

Well here is part two ...
The last month has seen a lot of new beginnings happening, the first most precious one is the arrival of a new family member to our family. Her name is Isabella and she is just perfect. She is my brothers daughter - not to mention the person with out whom it would not have been possible, his stunning wife Bernadette - Well done the two of you - you have done an amazing job... Isabella (that would have been Miguel's name if he had been born a girl like we were all convinced that he was) made her arrival on the 20 July 07 at 4.15 am, weighing 7 lb 12 ozs. Her full name is Isabella Niamh Spencer .. without further ado her she is, let the cooing commence ....

Is she not the most beautiful new born (this picture was taken when she was 4 days old!!).

The second thing that has happened is that I have gone back to work, my sister needed a half day DTP operator (computer graphics) to help her at work as she is drowning with her work load and I went for the interview and I got it. The position is a inhouse DTP operator for a stationery company, where we design their packaging, catalogues and any other graphic work that they need. I travel to Umhlanga every, which is about 35 km up the north coast from where we live and still getting used to being in traffic, but im getting the hang of it now, thak goodness most of it is freeway. My mom and dad pick up Miguel from school at 12 and I get to their house about 1.15,so I still have time to take him to the park, the beach or anything else we decide to do.

Ohh I have to tell you what HRH said the other morning - last week we were going through quite a cold spell, so the mornings were quite chilly (well for Durban standards it was actually bloody cold!!). He gets out of bed, takes his pyjamas off and is standing in his underpants and is shivering with his teeth chattering (he wont let me help him to dress quickly). 'Mama. i think that you can help me quickly, cos look my teeth are wiggling!'

Credit for this quick page goes to EMerritt.

He makes me cry with laughter at least once a day ... the other day is was a miserable day and he was not feeling very well as his sinuses were playing up again to I said that he can have a relaxing TV afternoon and can watch a marathon run of Cool Kat and Tom & Jerry. He was about a half hour into it when the satellite (think you guys in the states call it cable??) lost its signal and the picture kept coming and going. 'Mama!' hear in a voice of pure raw exasperation, tinged with desperation (you know all how mean i am with his TV time) 'please come fix the TV!' What was wrong I asked him, 'Its got hick-ups please give it a fright, so that it can be fix for me!!'

Sorry about the deviation ... My last bit of awesome news is that today I took possession of ... wait for it .. my NEW CAR!!! I bought a car, a new one, not a old one but a brand spanking new car! I cant believe it, I never thought I would ever be able to have a car at this stage never mind a new one. It is a Toyota Yaris T1, 3 door and I am in love, the space in the back is huge ... sorry Chris I have traded you in for a newer younger model... ;op ...I love this little car and cant wait to drive it to work tomorrow. Watch out world here i come!! I have to at this point make a very large and loud public 'THANK YOU' to my mom, for the last month now she has let me use her car without a work of complaint, even though she was missing her scrap booking club and her Italian lessons. Thanks mama you are the best!!!
Well im off to bed, I have work tomorrow you know!!!


  1. Congratulations on the birth of your beautiful new niece.. she is indeed adorable. Congratulations also on your new job..hope you enjoy it.
    LOL at your little boy... don't they say the funniest things:)

  2. Wow Cleo .... so much have been happening for you ! Congrats on the birth of your niece - she is gorgeous, the new job and your stunning brand new car !

  3. They picked a perfect name!!! (Hee! And My Isabella was born on 6/21.. so very close!.. well.. sorta.. mine's a year old. But still! hee!)

    I reiterate, I Loooove Mig's sayings, that boy is awesome!

    And YAY CAR! Grats!! I know how that is, it's a Wonderful feeling to know it's yours and all yours. Plus the freedom is sooo relieving!

    BIG HUGS to my girl and her little boy. Miss you sweetie.
