Wednesday, September 26


On the 4th it is Chris's 35 birthday, so we are having a littly party to celebrate ... just wanted you to see the invite that I did for him ... i think that it is really fun plus i think that he looks really devilish inbetween Holly, Kendra and Bridgitte, dont you ????

Miguel looks like he is on the mend and went to school today for the first time in over 2 weeks. He came home happy but very tired ...

i forgot to tell you what he said when last week when i had to take him back to the hospital last week when I could not get his fever down the one afternoon. I took him to Parklands hospital, the same hospital that he stayed in for the 4 days the previous week, in the peadiatric ward they have a tiny court yard with astro turf and a jungle gym for the kids to play on - Miguels most favourite thing in the world is golf followed by your guessed it - Jungle Gyms. He askes me on entering the hospital if he was allowed to go to the jungle gym later when his head felt better. I told him that he could'nt as we were going to emergency and that you could only play on the JG if you were VERY sick and had to sleep at the hospital. About 20 minutes later when the ER doctor was examining him, he asks Miguel if he was feeling very sick? To which Miguel instantly relpies .. "YES!! Im very sick, i think that i might even be dead - so i think that i should sleep here!!" Cheeky monkey!!

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