Friday, October 26

{IM BACK...}

Well after being away for a week in the UK, we are home ... I will fill you in on the trip once I have gone through our 1000 photos (well I'm sure that it must be around the number). I am renowned to have similar genetic traits as a Japanese tourist .... We had a WONDERFUL time and I could not give enough thanks to IBM for hosting us in such a magnificent manner (you too Greg, our incredible 'tour guide' from Penquin). I will post some pics as soon as I have processed them ...

Tomorrow we are off to Chris's cousin Didiers wedding - it is to be held at a stunning B&B called Collisheen Estate in the beautiful sea side town of Ballito, which lies just 30 minutes north of Durban in the heart of the KwaZulu Natal North Coast, is nestled between rippling fields of sugar cane, KwaZulu Natal's famous Green Gold. The Dolphin Coast, as this area is otherwise named, gets its name from the many Bottle nose dolphins that frequently surf the waves along this stretch of coast. Ballito is flanked to the east by golden beaches and the warm waters of the Indian Ocean.

I did not know what to get Dids and Hilke for a gift, so I decided to make them a visitors signing book for the wedding (please dear God don't let them have one!!!) .... this is what I came up with. I did 6 layouts with photos of them - the photos are not very good as I had to scrounge them from Face book etc .. so I ran a few actions, then made them black and white so that they (hopefully) look grainy and a little dreamy on purpose. On the opposite page of the lay out I gave words of advice ... things like :

  • For each time you vent about your husband/wife to your friends, tell three positive stories.
  • Never go to bed angry. (Unless it's 3a.m. and you're exhausted, angry, and not thinking straight.)
  • Never compare your marriage to others. What you see on the outside is not always what it is on the inside.
  • Don't make love in the same place/position everytime. Variety is the spice of life!
  • Fight naked. ;)
  • Marry someone that you enjoy listening and talking to.
  • Do you want to be right or do you want to be married?

All the paper and card embellishments I have made myself & the papers are ones that I have scanned and reduced to the right size and printed. The remaining 8 pages are for the gusts to sign ... I am quite pleased with the result - except for page one, it is soooo not my style and I cant bring myself to like it. sooo here goes ...

well it is 1 am here and i think i should be off to bed ...night!!!


  1. Hi Cleo, I just LOVE your guest book, WOW such a great gift! PMSL at your last post, looks like you had a great night out.

  2. PMSL I meant the post from the 30th Sep!!! Also your W&W LO is awesome :-)

  3. That is totally fabulous! What a great and incredibly thoughtful gift. Love the little sayings you added and they are oh so true! lol
    I was at a friends wedding where they had a videographer going around asking for pieces of advice for the new couple. I said always fight naked (because girls you will win) lol

    For my DD's wedding I did a guest book with their photos but that was before I went digital so nothing nearly as creative as what you came up with.

    They are just going to love it!

  4. Hi Cleo,

    I'm so happy that you've been visited in my blog. See more freebies...
