Tuesday, November 25


Hey every one ... I'm sooo sorry that i had disappeared, but time just escaped from me, to be honest I think that I needed the break!! I took the HANDMADE PLEDGE , why don't you?? I have rediscovered my love of sewing and I have decided to make all my Xmas gifts this year, so I am up to my eyeballs in gifts that are half done and i only have 3 weeks left!! I cant even do a little brag here in case someone sees them and then the surprise is ruined!! But as soon as i can i will post them all as I am quite proud of myself. Think i may even crack and give a little preview soon!!

Last night i went to the Lionel Ritchie concert ... it was AMAZING!! I absolutely love him, cheesy i know,i know . . . but who cares!!! At one time the crowd was singing soooo loud that you could bearly hear him!! I love my sister ... as she spoiled me with the tickets as a surprise treat, because last Friday was 1 year ago was when i found out i had cancer ... can you believe it was sooo long ago. It truly feels like it all happened only yesterday !!

I am posting 2 freebies for you today in order to beg your forgiveness. The red frayed one is a old one with a new link, whilst the white torn corrugated board is a new one ...


I hope that you like them ....

FOR THE FAMILY : Just wanted to add a couple of new photos of Miguel, and also to let you know that he was accepted to THOMAS MORE COLLAGE, we are so happy and excited.

Here he is ... he is so grown up now that some days i forget that he is just 4! He tells me today.."moma (not sure where he gets that pronunciation from?!?!) when i grow up and I'm 13, I am going to be a astronaut and on the weekends a game ranger, but i will have assistants because i wont be very strong because i just cant eat vegetables. I'm sure that they make me sick. See ...." (followed by a huge Oscar winning performance TB sounding cough!!)

How can you not fall in love with this???


  1. Oh, those big blue eyes, Miguel is the cutest.
    I'm glad to hear from you again, sure missed you. But Lionel Richie...? Well, whatever makes you happy ;-) I'm quite curious about those xmas gifts you're creating. I hope you'll post some photos after xmas.

  2. oh, my goodness but these are cute!
    You took 3 of my favorite things and combined them: red, dots and fray!!!
    Thank you so very much!

  3. Thanks so much for sharing the alphas....I love them both!! :)

  4. Thank you very much for sharing this beautiful Alphas!!! I love both!! They are great!!!

  5. Thank you for the wonderful alphas. We also make all our gifts. This year it is a 120 page digital scrapbook for the grandparents scattered across the country. I know they will adore it but I am glad to be finally DONE!!! Can't wait to see your treasures :0) Have a wonderful Christmas season!

  6. Thanks for the wonderful alphas!! Great pictures of your cutie!

  7. Congrats on your sweet Miguel's admission to the school you wanted him to attend! He's so cute!

    Thanks for sharing the wonderful alphas with us.

  8. Thank you so much for the alphas...they are wonderful!

  9. Thank you for the great alphas! They are both wonderful. Congrats on the homemade Christmas gifts, I'm sure they'll be wonderful. Speaking of, I'm still nowhere near done mine...there never seems to be enough time!

  10. Thanks for the alpha freebies. Miguel is truly beautiful:)

  11. Thanks . Nice Alfa, wil use it in my grandaughters scrappage.
