Sunday, December 21

Carols by Candlelight

WE had the most amazing time with our friends last Monday night. We went to our local Botanical Gardens for carols by candle light with the KwaZulu-Natal Philharmonic Orchestra along with the Durban Symphonic Choir and soloists. We all brought our picnic baskets and wine, and just sat and enjoyed our beautiful summer night. The kids were in their own little heaven. first for having the biggest garden in town to play in and secondly, and probably most importantly they got to play when it was past bedtime AND in the DARK too!!!
We handed out gifts for the kids, as we would not be all together again until after Christmas. I make the adorable Kate a ballerina monkey called MURIEL, who is allot like Kate actually... Murial is terribly cute, quietly independent, and a good girl over all, though she does dream of Johnny Depp and being a Debbie Harry impersonator when she grows up!!
I think that it was a great success, apparently Muriel and Kate are inseparable.

I had made super hero capes for Miguel, Mark and cute number two of the night Rachael. But it seems as us 'super moms' enjoyed them more!!

though the kids did finally have a chance to give them ago!!! The boys capes are reversable. Their initials are done in gold satin. And apparently (according to the two super heros) they make you run sooooo fast that hot lava comes out of the back!!!

Sorry about the next photo, but a glass of wine and no tripod does not do camera on a low shutter speed any good !!! But i think that you get and idea of the wonderful atmosphere of the night!!
Goodnight everyone ....


  1. Thanks for your comment on my blog, at this moment I'm very busy with some other swaps and work so I think it will not be possible for me to swap, thanks for your kind offer! lots of greetings Erika

  2. Do you have copy writer for so good articles? If so please give me contacts, because this really rocks! :)

  3. I am not going to be original this time, so all I am going to say that your blog rocks, sad that I don't have suck a writing skills
