Thursday, February 12

Valentines day

Well its another year ... and its Valentines day once again .. can you believe it?!?!

Miguel wanted to make a gift for his new teacher Mrs Duff and the teachers assistant Mrs Zungu.

So we decided on little felt hearts that we would attach to little owls that he would help me make ... well once he started into the hearts the owls were forgotten. (you can see forgotten Burt in the foreground) he insisted on attaching the owls wings onto the hearts and Viola!!!

Look at the concentration ...
SO I bought some broach backs and stitched them on and there we go ... what do you think of his sewing . I think that he did a awesome job!!!

I quickly drew up some little valentines cards with Miguel on them (yes I know the likeness is astonishing!!) to attach the hearts. I was hoping to have 2 more don't for my sister and mom but i have been man down for two days with the flu ... I feel battered and bruised!!

Today they also had to wear Valentines civvies to school .. the requirement in order to participate was to bring a tin of food for a charity ... which is one of the things that I love about his new school, they are extremely community orientated and are always getting the children involved in charitable projects - even the little ones. They had to wear something red and white, preferably with a heart on it. Now if any of you have little boys, you know that that is asking the impossible ... Whilst trolling through Flickr my most favourite site in the entire world .. I can across this very talented embroider ?!?!? (is there such a word? What is a person who embroiders called?) She goes by the name of torrance and i thought to myself .. now that is a awesome idea!!!! SO here it is ..

Hope you all have a awesome weekend!! And happy Valentines day to you all!!!!!!


  1. Hi! Thanks for your comment on my Silly Putty problem. You seem to be quite the expert, alot of experience in the area? :) I tried leaving it in the freezer but the putty didn't harden like I thought it would. Rubbing alcohol got off all the actual putty but there are still pink least its wearable again.

    I LOVE the idea of embroidering a mom tattoo on a boy shirt sleeve! I am most definitely going to copy you on that idea, hope you don't mind. So creative and fun! Your son is way cute by the way. Great to "meet" you and find your blog. Thanks for stopping by mine!

  2. Hi Cle! Oh my gosh, you read all of my stories - you poor thing. You didn't notice the PICTURE clue. I feel so bad! Especially that your answer is wrong. OHHH you haven't played along before, I'm tricky! Your clue to the puzzle is at the end of the Nancy Drew post titled "Girl in a Roadster" On a personal note, I love your life's motto. Cancer at 34 - you earned early that each day is such a blessing. It takes some people a life time to "get the big picture." Nothing matters but those you love. I hope you will try the puzzle again. An especially BIG thank you for reading so many stories! Elizabeth

  3. Those are awesome valetine's card ideas. Very cool. Great blog. Thanks!

  4. Those are awesome valetine's card ideas. Very cool. Great blog. Thanks!
