Friday, November 9

{DAY 3 ... }

Well yesterday (they changed the date of the Chemo to Thursday morning) was more tiring than I expected, the treatment lasted 4 hours and was as the nurses warned me quite an anti-climax. Just sat around in a big Lazy Boy Chair with a drip in my hand watching my movie on my notebook, reading my book and of course chatting to every one in sight!!! The only bit of action that I got was leaping off my chair 2 drip bags held over my head dashing off to the toilet to pee every 15 minutes they gave me about 2 liters of fluid intravenously as well as the 2.5 liters that I drank (they said that flushing the kidneys is vital) ... I think that is more liquid than I normally drink in a week!!!
Once treatment was finished I felt a little 'drunk'. Chris and my sister commented that I sounded a little 'stoned'. About two hours later the hangover hit, which is very disappointing as I did not even have a glass of wine!!! - my head was quite painful, but it cleared today at about 11 am. At least I did not get the side affects that they said I would, which would be insomnia and nausea - well the nausea might only come in a day or two. I do have the sunburnt feeling on my face though that they said the cortisone might give.. Tonight I feel very achy - like a bad flu.
Though after sleeping most of the morning I felt better by lunch time. I fetched Miguel and took him to the park, where they allowed him to feed the ducks and help clean out the little paddocks of the pigs and goats, he giggled and laughed for a solid 2 hours. He also 'rescued' 3 baby ducklings by helping them over the fence to their mom, he was immensely proud of himself, though no more than I at his display of gentleness and caring. The two of us had a early bath and we were relaxing in bed by 4 pm!!! He fell asleep about 4.30 and is still out - he was so happy, it was worth dragging my body out of bed for that - he has been very tense and angry over the last week, he knows that something is not right and panics every time myself or Chris have to leave the house. . .
I am off to try and sleep, I just cant seem to get comfortable though I am tired.

Ciao for now, love to you all....


  1. Cleo - I am glad you were feeling a little better and could share that time with Miguel :-) It sounds like it was what you noth needed!! ((hugs)) What a help the little duckies!! have a wonderful little man!

  2. It's good to know that you can share those special moments with Miguel despite not feeling your best.
    It is hard on all of you but for a little one who can't possibly understand it must be so frustrating.
    I hope you manage to get some well earned sleep.
    (((HUGE HUGS))) xx

  3. shame, this must also be very hard on Miguel, I am so glad that you were able to spend some time with him and it sounds as if he had a fabulous time. And I can just hear his laughs and giggles - it must have made it absolutely worthwhile for you!
    One treatment down ... good luck with the next one!
    You're in my thoughts all the time ....

  4. Hi Cleo,

    I just dropped by to give you a big((HUG)) and to let you know I am thinking of you!

  5. Haven't heard from you in a couple of days. Hope you are doing OK and having some quality time with Miguel. Just wanted to let you know, I'm think of you.

  6. Hi Cleo... I haven't been around for a couple of weeks myself in blogland but just wanted to let you know that I am thinking of you all and hoping that all is well.
    I know that this is a difficult time for you so it will be hard to summon up the strength or the motivation to blog but just wanted you to know I am wishing you well ((hugs))xx

  7. Hi Cleo...We've all been wondering over at DSSA how you are..I'm sorry but I just can't find your email addy hence sending you this message via your blog...we do hope you're ok and perhaps you could either pop in to DSSA or drop me a quick note..

    Much love & hugs


  8. Hello I Would Just Like To Say Hi. I'm Leanne And I'm New To Blogger.
    Merry Christmas

  9. Just wanted to drop by and wish you and your family a very merry Christmas.

  10. Hey Miss Red Shoes ;-)
    I've been wondering how you are, haven't heard from you in a while. I hope everything is going according to plan.
