Wednesday, June 25


Hi there .... I'm very sorry that i did not keep this updated during my treatment, but to be honest I was just so exhausted all the time that I couldn't. But finally after 5 months, 8 Chemo sessions, 35 Radiations, incredible pain, extreme nausea, 2 hospital stays of a week long each and one full hysterectomy I'm on the mend !!! The up side of getting better is that I get to go back to work ;op
You can tell that i am getting better and SO over the whole cancer thing ... Im complaining about the size of my butt! I put on quite a bit of weight because of all the cortisone's I had to take to try and counter act the side effects of the Chemo. Everyone else lost weight and looked fragile, me ??? Nope ... porky, but i like to think of it as BOOTYLICIOUS!!!
Well it is Miguel's birthday next month and I have made his invitations and they have been sent out .. once again my DS wants Winnie the Pooh.
Miguel had Egypt day at his school a while back. He had to go dressed up as a Egyptian. So I made a robe and a stunning (if i may say so my self) Pharaohs Collar. It was a complete success!! Geraldine (my sis) drew a template for the collar out and printed it onto card stock (I still have the pattern if anyone needs it). I then ironed on interfacing to give it a little more resilience. TheWe then coloured the collars in with gold marker pen and metallic blue paint. I had found some gold bead trim and some beautiful large gold and gem stone buttons at a local haberdashery. We glued these on the to the final collar once it was dry and da-da ... what do you think? Miguel worked so hard on his one, i was very proud at the effort he put into his one.He was the only blond Pharaoh in his class so he stood out!! the kids looked sooooo cute, especially the little girls. It was wonderful to see how every one put such effort into the day!

I have also loaded one of my old freebie alphas, I know it was a great success 18 months ago, so enjoy it if you did not catch it the first time round.

download here


  1. Awww hon, so glad to hear you are feeling better. You really had me worried. I just knew a lady with red shoes like yours would succeed in the end :-)
    Miguel is looking very cute these days.

  2. I'm sooo glad to hear from you again!!!

  3. Thanks for sharing this freebie. Best wishes for your continued recovery!

  4. CLEO!!!!!!

    Oh girl am I so glad to see you posting!! I missed ya bunches and was sending you happy vibes!!

    The party invite is just the cutest!!! Miguel is looking so big!!

    Have a fabulous day!

  5. Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 26 Jun [LA 03:18am, NY 05:18am, UK 10:18am, OZ 08:18pm]).

  6. I'm glad to know you are OK!
    thanks for the freebie!

  7. So glad you are feeling better. Thanks for the alpha!

  8. Thank God youre on your way to recovery!!!

    Hope you have a good summer!

    Good luck on your way back!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Hello and welcome back we missed you.Pop into sometime for a chat we would love to catch up with you.

  11. I hope you make a full recovery!

    great invite by the way

  12. It's great to see you posting - i did keep checking in hoping you'd post. Sooooooo glad you're ok xxxxx
