He kept asking for his abuela (grandma in Spanish) to 'funk' the candles. Funk is the sound that a lighter makes when lit - so he calls it a funk! He loves blowing out the candles and so we sang happy birthday 4 times, just so he could have the candles 'funked' again to blow them out. He was having such a great time ... giggling & laughing like a mad hyena!! Kept trying to get the Champagne when no one was looking. I love watching him have fun.
[Sorry the photos are not so great ... I took them with my phone - cant wait for a new point & shoot..its on my wish list.]
Here is a layout that I have just posted at digitalscrapbooking for a challenge that we have just had.

Credits can be seen here
Here is another one of a picture that we took in Balito last year on holiday - I love it . I'm really loving this use of white space ... I think that it is my new thing!!
Credits can be seen here
...I say that and here is one that is pretty busy though!

Journaling reads : Miguel, you were born with an artistic thumb. You have a passion to draw, paint mould, stick & colour - there is nothing that you wont try in order to express yourself. You are pretty good at it too, especially drawing on abuela & abuelo’s newly painted front door wall
credits can be seen here
Well the birthday party sounded great fun and it's lovely seeing the photo's....they're not bad considering they were taken on a phone camera...I've taken some on mine at odd times but never bothered to upload them as I didn't think they would be any good..perhaps I should give it a try.
Anyway Cleo I think you must push your compact camera to the very top of the list. Although I love my DSLR having a 'baby camera' is lovely as it goes every where with me.
Wow..what I nicely put together blog.
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