This is my son Miguel putting on a royal award winning performance for me. He unfortunately twisted his ankle a little the day before, and was milking it for all its worth!! I love him ...he is so comical, I'm sure that one day he will win an Oscar !!!

Journaling :
Date : 08 Feb 2007
Place : Home
Accident : The patient twisted his ankle, when he was on his way to retrieve a ball that had fallen over the balcony. After a treatment based on ice, love & kisses from head practitioner (mama), the patient, was announced to be making a speedy recovery. This was based on the way the patient was using this injury to his full advantage & professing to one & all that he had a ‘bandit on his angle!"
Credits :
Staple - JBaechtold
The Background, band aid & pen belong to some one - but there was no TOU's with them so therefore no name.
Credits :
Background-Pumpkin Pie Kit - by Rikki Donovan
BeadedWire Element_Beth Nixon . . . . Staple - JBaechtold
Stitching & ribbon (I altered shape & colors) - shabby Princess . . . . EventRecord by KPertiet
I have found a great website for fonts . . . wonder over & give it a look, it is great especially for hand writing fronts - they have it by the dozen.
Had a great dinner last night with a new friend Danie & my sister, we stayed up chatting until midnight, drinking great red wine (supplied by my new best friend Danie ;o) ) We will definitely be doing that again!! Hi Danie !!!
We are off to the Drakensberg tomorrow - YAY !!! Will post pics when I get back . . have a great weekend !!
1 comment:
I love these two LO's Cleo!
Enjoy the berg - can't wait to see some pics.
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